It is advised that during treatment indoors, the use of extractor fans to remove CO2 gas from the treatment room as well as vents to fulter fresh air into the room. it is also recommended that users open windows and doors where possible to allow for better ventilation.
CO2 gas is heavier than air so extractor fans should be postioned at or close to the floor level for efficient air ventilation in your treatment room.
Correct ventilation contrubutes to paitient safety.
We are an Aesthetics clinic based in Shrewsbury offering a wide range of treatments. We introduced the KaasenLife in 2018 to expand our business offering fatfreeze, pain management, cryo facials and to treat psoriasis and eczema. All our business comes from word of mouth and social media, and it wasn’t long before word got out about the incredible results we were seeing. We were able to pay our unit off in the first three months of purchasing due to the high demand for treatments. Fatfreezing rapidly became our most popular treatment and four years on we have a continued stream of new and returning clients keen to achieve the outstanding results we continue to see. The KaasenLife has truly changed the lives of some of our clients and give us total job satisfaction seeing clients eased of pain, free of acne, the symptoms of eczema/psoriasis and restoring confidence.